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Trey Bruffey

Trey Bruffey

Trey Bruffey

Trey Bruffey, owner of Be Opposite Training & Nutrition, LLC., has been personal training and online coaching since 2012.  He has a Bachelor’s of Science in Health & Exercise Science with a Concentration in Health Care Delivery, along with years of continuing education with some of the top individuals in the functional health and fitness industry. 

Trey enjoys helping a wide range of people from those that want to lose fat, put on muscle, or improve their quality of life.  He also has a special interest in helping individuals with functional health issues, specifically related to GI and hormonal health.  His goal is to ensure his others make optimal improvements while correcting or maintaining their health

You can follow Trey on Instagram at @beopposite23. To get in touch with Trey and find out more about his services and how he can help you, you can reach out to him at