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Kenneth Almond

Kenneth Almond

Kenneth Almond

Kenneth has been a coach for 5 years; Originally it was a part time thing that satisfied his urge to be connected to the Bodybuilding Community. As the years went by his passion grew for the sport, but his passion grew for helping people even more. He started with a knowledge of dietary basics and some pharmacology background using PEDs. Then, he had a client come to him with significant issues that he couldn’t diagnose himself. So, he reached out to some of the smartest people in the industry to help. From there, he learned under some of the best in the industry. First and foremost, Sam Miller, he took his FNMS class. Then, John Meadows was his mentor and coach for 2 years. From there he met Austin Stout, and currently works with him week in, and week out on some of the toughest functional health cases Kenneth has seen in the last 5 years. Though he is not traditionally trained through a University, what sets him apart is his desire to learn, his care for each of his clients, and his real life experience throughout the years. That experience ranges from Auto Immune Disease, Hormone Dysfunction, Gut Dysbiosis, Weight loss, Mental Health, Lifestyle Habits, Physique Development, Stress Mitigation, and Contest Preparation. He is excited to be a part of an HRT Clinic focused on doing right by their patients’ health first. He looks forward to being the change in the industry that he has wanted to see for years.

You can follow Kenneth on Instagram at @foundrytrainingnutrition. To find out more about his services and how he can help you, email him at